FUNCTION: Breakpoint
For debugging. Causes the controller to pause execution of the given thread at the given
program line number (which is not executed). All other threads continue running. Only
one breakpoint may be armed at any time. After a breakpoint is encountered, a new
breakpoint can be armed (to continue execution to the new breakpoint) or BK will resume
program execution. The SL command can be used to single step from the breakpoint.
The breakpoint can be armed before or during thread execution.
ARGUMENTS: BK n,m where
n is an integer in the range 0 to 999 which is the line number to stop at. n must be a valid line
number in the chosen thread.
m is an integer in the range 0 to 7. The thread.
While Moving Yes Default Value of m 0
In a Program No
Command Line Yes
Controller Usage ALL CONTROLLERS
_BK will tell whether a breakpoint has been armed, whether it has been encountered, and the
program line number of the breakpoint:
= -LineNumber: breakpoint armed
= LineNumber: breakpoint encountered
= -2147483648: breakpoint not armed
SL Single Step
TR Trace
BK 3 Pause at line 3 (the 4th line) in thread 0
BK 5 Continue to line 5
SL Execute the next line
SL 3 Execute the next 3 lines
BK Resume normal execution
DMC-1400 Series Command Reference BK 39