DMC-1400 Series Command Reference ES ● 87
ES FUNCTION: Ellipse Scale
The ES command divides the resolution of one of the axes in a vector mode (VM). This
function allows for the generation of circular motion when encoder resolutions differ. It
also allows for the generation of an ellipse instead of a circle.
The command has two parameters, m and n. The arguments, m and n apply to the axes
designated by the command VM. When m>n, the resolution of the first axis, x, will be
divided by the ratio m/n. When m<n, the resolution of the second axis, y, will be divided
by n/m. The resolution change applies for the purpose of generating the VP and CR
commands, effectively changing the axis with the higher resolution to match the coarser
ARGUMENTS: ES m,n where
m and n are positive integers in the range between 1 and 65,535.
While Moving Yes Default Value 1,1
In a Program Yes Default Format
Command Line Yes
Controller Usage ALL
VM Vector Mode
CR Circle move
VP Vector position
VMXY;ES3,4 Divide Y resolution by 4/3
NOTE: ES must be issued after VM command