140 MG DMC-1400 Series Command Reference
The MG command sends data out the bus. This can be used to alert an operator, send
instructions or return a variable value.
ARGUMENTS: MG {Pn},{Ex},{U} "m", {^n}, V {Fm.n or $m,n} {N} {Sn}
"m" is a text message including letters, numbers, symbols or <ctrl>G. Make sure that
maximum line length is not exceeded (40 characters DMC-1410/1411/1412/1414, 80
characters DMC-1415/1416/1425).
{^n} is an ASCII character specified by the value n
V is a variable name or array element where the following specifiers can be used for
{Fm.n} Display variable in decimal format with m digits to left of decimal, and n to the right.
{$m,n} Display variable in hexadecimal format with m digits to left of decimal, and n to the
{Sn} Display variable as a string of length n where n is 1 thru 6
{N} Suppress carriage return line feed.
{Pn} (DMC-1412/1414 only) Specifies which serial port to send the message. 1 = main port,
2 = auxiliary port. Defaults to 1 if not specified.
{U} for USB port
{Ex}for Ethernet and ‘x’ specifies the Ethernet handle (A,B,C,D,E,F or H).
Note: Multiple text, variables, and ASCII characters may be used, each must be separated by
a comma.
Note: The order of arguments is not important.
While Moving Yes Default Value -
In a Program Yes Default Format Variable Format
Command Line Yes
Can be Interrogated No
Used as an Operand No
Controller Usage ALL
Case 1: Message command displays ASCII strings
MG "Good Morning" Displays the string
Case 2: Message command displays variables or arrays
MG "The Answer is", Total {F4.2} Displays the string with the content of variable
TOTAL in local format of 4 digits before and 2 digits after the decimal point.
Case 3: Message command sends any ASCII characters to the port.
MG {^13}, {^30}, {^37}, {N} Sends carriage return, characters 0 and 7 followed by no
carriage return line feed command to the port.