DMC-1400 Series Command Reference IA 101
The IA command assigns the controller with an IP address.
The IA command may also be used to specify the time out value. This is only applicable
when using the TCP/IP protocol.
The IA command can only be used via RS-232. Since it assigns an IP address to the
controller, communication with the controller via internet cannot be accomplished until
after the address has been assigned.
ARGUMENTS: IA ip0,ip1,ip2, ip3 or IA n or IA<t where
ip0, ip1, ip2, ip3 are 1 byte numbers separated by commas and represent the individual fields
of the IP address.
n is the IP address for the controller which is specified as an integer representing the signed
32 bit number (two’s complement).
<t specifies the time in update samples between TCP retries. (TCP/IP connection only)
>u specifies the multicast IP address where u is an integer between 0 and 63. (UDP/IP
connection only)
IA? will return the IP address of the controller
While Moving No Default Value n = 0, t=250
In a Program No Default Format
Command Line Yes
Controller Usage DMC-1415/1416/1425
_IA0 contains the IP address representing a 32 bit signed number (Two’s
_IA1 contains the value for t (retry time)
_IA2 contains the number of available handles
_IA3 contains the number of the handle using this operand where the number
is 0 to 5. 0 represents handle A, 1 handle B, etc.
_IA4 Contains the handle number of the connection that caused the execution
of #TCPERR. Contains “-1” if no error.
IH Internet Handle
IA 151, 12, 53, 89 Assigns the controller with the address
IA 2534159705 Assigns the controller with the address
IA < 500 Sets the timeout value to 500msec