64 DA DMC-1400 Series Command Reference
FUNCTION: Deallocate the Variables & Arrays
The DA command frees the array and/or variable memory space. In this command, more than
one array or variable can be specified for memory de-allocation. Different arrays and
variables are separated by commas when specified in one command. The * argument
deallocates all the variables, and *[0] deallocates all the arrays.
ARGUMENTS: DA c[0],d,etc. where
c[0] - Defined array name
d - Defined variable name
* - Deallocates all the variables
*[0] - Deallocates all the arrays
DA? Returns the number of arrays available on the controller.
While Moving Yes Default Value ---
In a Program Yes Default Format ---
Command Line Yes
Can be Interrogated Yes
Used as an Operand Yes
Controller Usage ALL
_DA contains the total number of arrays available. For example, on a DMC-1417, before any
arrays have been defined, the operand _DA is 7. If one array is defined, the operand _DA will
return 6.
DM Dimension Array
‘Cars’ and ‘Salesmen’ are arrays and ‘Total’ is a variable.
DM Cars[400],Salesmen[50] Dimension 2 arrays
Total=70 Assign 70 to the variable Total
DA Cars[0],Salesmen[0],Total Deallocate the 2 arrays & variables
DA*[0] Deallocate all arrays
DA *,*[0] Deallocate all variables and all arrays
NOTE: Since this command deallocates the spaces and compacts the array spaces in the memory, it is
possible that execution of this command may take longer time than 2 ms.