DMC-1400 Series Command Reference OC 149
FUNCTION: Output Compare
The OC command allows the generation of output pulses based on one of the main encoder
positions. For circular compare, the output is a low-going pulse with a duration of
approximately 600 nanoseconds and is available at the output compare signal (labeled
CMP/ICOM on the ICM-1460). For a one shot compare, the output goes low until OC is
called again.
This function cannot be used with any axis configured for a step motor and the auxiliary
encoder of the corresponding axis cannot be used while using this function.
Note: The OC function requires that the main encoder and auxiliary encoders be configured
exactly the same (see the command, CE). For example: CE 0, CE 5, CE 10, CE 15.
Note: If the ICM-1460 has the –Opto Input option, the output compare is not brought out to
the CMP/ICOM terminal. If the output compare is to be used, the pin will need to be
accessed directly from the 37 Pin-D cable.
ARGUMENTS: OCX = m, n where
m = Absolute position for first pulse. Integer between -2 109 and 2 109
n = Incremental distance between pulses. Integer between -65535 and 65535, 0 for one shot
OCx = 0 will disable the Circular Compare function.
The sign of the parameter, n, will designate the expected direction of motion for the output
compare function. When moving in the opposite direction, output compare pulses will
occur at the incremental distance of 65536-|n| where |n| is the absolute value of n.
Note: When changing to CEx=2, if the original command was OCx=m,n and the starting
position was _TPx, the new command is OCx=2*_TPx-m,-n. For pulses to occur under
CEx=2, the following conditions must be met:
m>_TPx and n>0 for negative moves (e.g. JGx=-1000)
m<_TPx and n<0 for positive moves (e.g. JGx=1000)
While Moving Yes Default Value -
In a Program Yes Default Format -
Command Line Yes
Controller Usage DMC-1415/1416
_OCx contains the state of the OC function
_OCx = 0 : OC function has been enabled but not generated any pulses.
_OCx = 1: OC function not enables or has generated the first output pulse.
OCX=300,100 Select X encoder as position sensor. First pulse at 300. Following pulses
at 400, 500…