130 LM DMC-1400 Series Command Reference
FUNCTION: Linear Interpolation Mode
The LM command specifies the linear interpolation mode and specifies the axes for linear
interpolation. Only the DMC-1425 supports the linear interpolation mode. LI commands
are used to specify the travel distances for linear interpolation. The LE command
specifies the end of the linear interpolation sequence. Several LI commands may be
given as long as the controller sequence buffer has room for additional segments. Once
the LM command has been given, it does not need to be given again unless the VM
command has been used.
It should be noted that the controller computes the vector speed based on the axes specified in
the LM mode. For example, LM XY designates linear interpolation for the X and Y
axes. The speed of these axes will be computed from VS2=XS2+YS2, where XS and YS
are the speed of the X and Y axes. The controller always uses the axis specifications
from LM, not LI, to compute the speed.
ARGUMENTS: LMxx wher e
x is always X and Y for the DMC-1425
x = ? Returns the number of spaces available in the sequence buffer for
additional LI commands.
While Moving Yes Default Value -
In a Program Yes Default Format -
Command Line Yes
Controller Usage ALL
_LMx contains the number of spaces available in the sequence buffer for the coordinate
LE Linear end
LI Linear Distance
VA Vector acceleration
VS Vector Speed
VD Vector deceleration
CS _CS - Sequence counter
LM XY Specify linear interpolation mode
VS 10000; VA 100000;VD 1000000 Specify vector speed, acceleration and deceleration
LI 100,200 Specify linear distance
LI 200,300 Specify linear distance
LE; BGS Last vector, then begin motion