78 ● ELSE DMC-1400 Series Command Reference
ELSE FUNCTION: Else function for use with IF conditional statement
The ELSE command is an optional part of an IF conditional statement. The ELSE command
must occur after an IF command and it has no arguments. It allows for the execution of a
command only when the argument of the IF command evaluates False. If the argument
of the IF command evaluates false, the controller will skip commands until the ELSE
command. If the argument for the IF command evaluates true, the controller will execute
the commands between the IF and ELSE command.
While Moving Yes Default Value
In a Program Yes Default Format
Command Line No
Controller Usage DMC-1415/1416/1425
ENDIF End of IF conditional Statement
IF (@IN[1]=0) IF conditional statement based on input 1
IF (@IN[2]=0) 2nd IF conditional statement executed if 1st IF
conditional true
MG "INPUT 1 AND INPUT 2 ARE ACTIVE" Message to be executed if 2nd IF conditional is
ELSE ELSE command for 2nd IF conditional
MG "ONLY INPUT 1 IS ACTIVE Message to be executed if 2nd IF conditional is
ENDIF End of 2nd conditional statement
ELSE ELSE command for 1st IF conditional statement
MG"ONLY INPUT 2 IS ACTIVE" Message to be executed if 1st IF conditional
ENDIF End of 1st conditional statement