DMC-1400 Series Command Reference RA 167
FUNCTION: Record Array
The RA command selects one or two arrays for automatic data capture. The selected arrays
must have been dimensioned by the DM command. The data to be captured is specified
by the RD command and time interval by the RC command.
ARGUMENTS: RA n [],m [] where
n,m are dimensioned arrays as defined by DM command. The [] contain nothing.
While Moving Yes Default Value ---
In a Program Yes Default Format ---
Command Line Yes
Can be Interrogated No
Used as an Operand No
Controller Usage ALL
DM Dimension Array
RD Record Data
RC Record Interval
#Record Label
DM POS[100] Define array
RA POS[] Specify Record Mode
RD _TP Specify data type for record
RC 1 Begin recording at 2 msec intervals
PR 1000;BG Start motion
EN End
HINT: The record array mode is useful for recording the real-time motor position during motion.
The data is automatically captured in the background and does not interrupt the program sequencer.
The record mode can also be used for a teach or learn of a motion path.