DMC-1400 Series Command Reference CW 63
FUNCTION: Copyright information / Data Adjustment bit on/off
The CW command has a dual usage. The CW command will return the copyright information
when the argument, n is 0. Otherwise, the CW command is used as a communications
enhancement for use by the Servo Design Kit software. When turned on, the communication
enhancement sets the MSB of unsolicited, returned ASCII characters to 1. Unsolicited ASCII
characters are those characters which are returned from the controller without being directly
queried from the terminal. This is the case when a program has a command that requires the
controller to return a value or string.
ARGUMENTS: CW n,m where
n is a number, either 0,1 or 2:
0 Causes the controller to return the copyright information
1 Causes the controller to set the MSB of unsolicited returned characters to 1
2 Causes the controller to not set the MSB of unsolicited characters.
“?” returns the copyright information for the controller
m is 0 or 1 (optional)
0 Causes the controller to pause program execution when output FIFO is full
until FIFO no longer full.
1 Causes the controller to continue program execution when output FIFO is
full - output characters after FIFO is full will be lost.
While Moving Yes* Default Value
In a Program Yes Default Format
Command Line Yes
Can be Interrogated No
Used as an Operand Yes
Controller Usage ALL
_CW contains the value of the data adjustment bit. 1 =on, 2 = off
*Note: The CW command can cause garbled characters to be returned by the controller. The default
state of the controller is to disable the CW command, however, the Galil Servo Design Kit software
and terminal software may sometimes enable the CW command for internal usage. If the controller is
reset while the Galil software is running, the CW command could be reset to the default value which
would create difficulty for the software. It may be necessary to re-enable the CW command. The CW
command status can be stored in EEPROM.
*Note 2: The CW, 1 Command should not be used with the DMC-1415 or DMC-1425. These
controllers have only a 1 byte UART and are subsequently always seen as full.
*Note 3: Specifying both fields of the CW command is not valid. If CW, 2,1 is issued, for instance, the
controller will not recognize the second field. Instead, the user must issue CW2 & CW,1 individually.