84 EP DMC-1400 Series Command Reference
FUNCTION: Cam table master interval and phase shift
The EP command defines the ECAM table master interval and phase shift. The interval m is
the difference in master position between table entries. The phase shift n instantaneously
moves the graph of slave position versus master position left (negative) or right (positive)
and is used to make on-the-fly corrections to the slaves. Up to 257 points may be
ARGUMENTS: EP m,n where
m is the master interval and is a positive integer in the range between 1 and 32,767 master
counts. m cannot be changed while ECAM is running.
M = ? Returns the value of the interval m.
n is the phase shift and is an integer between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647 master
counts. m can be changed while ECAM is running.
While Moving Yes Default Value 256,0
In a Program Yes Default Format
Command Line Yes
Can be Interrogated Yes
Used as an Operand Yes (m only)
Controller Usage ALL
_EP contains the value of the interval m.
EB Enable Ecam
EG Engage Ecam
EM Specify Ecam Cycle
EQ Ecam quit
ET Electronic CAM table
EP 20 Sets the cam master points to 0,20,40 . . .
D =_EP Set the variable D equal to the ECAM internal master interval
EP,100 Phase shift all slaves by 100 master counts