80 EN DMC-1400 Series Command Reference
The EN command is used to designate the end of a program or subroutine. If a subroutine
was called by the JS command, the EN command ends the subroutine and returns
program flow to the point just after the JS command.
The EN command is also used to end the automatic subroutines #MCTIME, #CMDERR, and
#COMINT. When the EN command is used to terminate the #COMINT communications
interrupt subroutine, there are two arguments; the first determines whether trippoints will
be restored upon completion of the subroutine and the second determines whether the
communication interrupt will be re-enabled.
m=0 Return from subroutines without restoring trippoint
m=1 Return from #COMINT and restore trippoint
n=0 Return from #COMINT without restoring interrupt
n=1 Return from #COMINT and restore interrupt
Note 1: The default values for the arguments are 0. For example EN,1 and EN0,1 have the
same effect.
Note 2: Trippoints cause a program to wait for a particular event. The AM command, for
example, waits for motion on all axes to complete. If the #COMINT subroutine is
executed due to a communication interrupt while the program is waiting for a trippoint,
the #COMINT can end by continuing to wait for the trippoint as if nothing happened, or
clear the trippoint and continue executing the program at the command just after the
trippoint. The EN arguments will specify how the #COMINT routine handles trippoints.
Note 3: Use the RE command to return from the interrupt handling subroutines #LIMSWI
and #POSERR. Use the RI command to return from the #ININT subroutine.
While Moving Yes Default Value n=0, m=0
In a Program Yes Default Format
Command Line No
Can be Interrogated No
Used as an Operand No
Controller Usage ALL
RE Return from error subroutine
RI Return from interrupt subroutine