82 ● ENDIF DMC-1400 Series Command Reference
ENDIF FUNCTION: End of IF conditional statement
The ENDIF command is used to designate the end of an IF conditional statement. An IF
conditional statement is formed by the combination of an IF and ENDIF command. An
ENDIF command must always be executed for every IF command that has been
executed. It is recommended that the user not include jump commands inside IF
conditional statements since this causes re-direction of command execution. In this case,
the command interpreter may not execute an ENDIF command.
While Moving Yes Default Value
In a Program Yes Default Format
Command Line No
Controller Usage DMC-1415/1416/1425
ELSE Optional command to be used only after IF command
JP Jump command
JS Jump to subroutine command
IF (@IN[1]=0) IF conditional statement based on input 1
MG " INPUT 1 IS ACTIVE” Message to be executed if “IF” conditional is false
ENDIF End of conditional statement