View: Operator Guide
Power outages and so on, can temporarily stop a unit from recording. When |
recording resumes, there is a “hole” in the video archive. These holes can cause |
the later media indicator to appear. | |
Video keeps playing until you stop it or until the Motion Search session is closed. | |
Procedure !56, on p. | |
Motion masks behave differently when used to trigger alarms. Read about |
motion detection in the Admin User Guide. | |
Reusing settings on the same video generates the same motion detection report. |
For a different report, change the motion options, the date and time or both. | |
You have the option of filtering the magnitudes and/or trimming the report before |
saving it as a text file. Only the items in the list are saved. | |
To stop the ringing of an alarm, click the alarm bell icon, shown in figure 55 | |
Something to watch out for… | |
A Connections dialog does not appear if there is only one connection. | |
Clicking ACK ALL acknowledges all of the alarms at once. | |
If Automatically Acknowledge Alarms is not enabled | |
Clicking REARM ALL resets all alarms, acknowledged or not. | |
A maintenance session only affects the site that is selected. | |
Wait for the “System Operational” message in the Feedback box. See figure 62 |
on p. | |
By default, events are not set to trigger alarms. Setting events to trigger alarms is |
an option; alternatively, events can be set to be only silently logged for |
administrative purposes, and some to do nothing. See also 6.7: Setting an Alarm, |
on p. | |
For customer data events, click Update each time. | |
Make the date display as | |
Honeywell recommends storing stills and clips in their own folder. | |
Making a clip of recorded video at a faster speed does not affect playback. | |
Honeywell recommends storing stills and clips in their own folder. | |
You have the option of renaming clips. | |
Honeywell recommends storing stills and clips in their own folder. | |
| |
be opened. To free up Windows resources, remember to close MultiClip Player |
sessions when finished. | |
Honeywell recommends that when producing bitmaps for more than a few |
seconds, the operator keep an eye on the PC’s hard disk; bitmap production |
can quickly fill up a PC’s storage. | |
You have the option of renaming stills. |