7 Common Administration

Reports Administration

4Select one of the following options while in the Trace Output window:

~Press F1 (Pause) to stop the information from scrolling.

~Press F2 (Prev Page) and F3 (Next Page) to move around within the display.

~Press F1 (Resume) to continue scrolling through the trace output.

~Press DELETE to stop the trace.

~Press F2 (Print) from the Trace Service window to print the last 250 lines of output.

Note: Space in the root partition may become full from the trace service, so you should occasionally remove old files from the /vs/trans/hostdata directory.

Reports Administration

The Reports Administration window gives you access to some system reports, including call classification reports, call data detail reports, call data summary reports, message log, and traffic reports. The voice system allows you to tailor each report to meet your needs and requirements.

UCS 1000 R4.2 Administration 585-313-507

Issue 3 April 2000 308