A Summary of Commands



The dbfrag command lists fragmentation information on the database (Version 7 ORACLE).


dbfrag [-h -b]


The dbfrag command is a shell script that reports on database allocation, usage, and fragmentation. The block size reported is in ORACLE blocks (2048 bytes). You can request the information to be reported in Mbytes with the -boption. This tool is useful to get a quick check on database usage and provides a shell interface into some key ORACLE statistics.

This tool only reports on information in the SYSTEM tablespace. With the -hoption, the listing is printed without a header. This option is useful if you want to parse this output to select a specific field.

The following requests fragmentation information in megabytes (using the -boption).

UCS 1000 R4.2 Administration 585-313-507

Issue 3 April 2000 406