A Summary of Commands


console input: mkheader <application_name>

FIRST PROMPT: Type in the variables you need space for according to the following format:

type name [length]

Example 1: int yn

Example 2: char dg 20

(End input with CTRL-D)

Variable?: char dg 20

Variable?: int yn

Variable?: short cid

Variable?: int iom

Variable?: (CTRL-D)

SECOND PROMPT: Please enter any dependency files that the header files in the next section will need in order to compile. Use full path names. (End input with CTRL-D)

File name? /u/factory/file.h

File name? (CTRL-D)

THIRD PROMPT: Enter the header file name and structure names needed to create the def.h file. Use full path names. (End input with CTRL-D)

UCS 1000 R4.2 Administration 585-313-507

Issue 3 April 2000 537