A Summary of Commands

iCk, iCkAdmin

there is the a_clockID, which is nonzero if an alarm is running for the current activity and the a_nextAlarm, which indicates at what time the next alarm is set to expire. At the end of the entry is the a_flags, 0, meaning no flags are set, AF_SUPPRESS_TIMING, meaning that timing is deliberately suppressed for the time being, AF_CHECK_NEW_RUNLEVEL, meaning that when the run levels change, this activity is checked to see if it should reactivate, and AF_DEBUG_OFF, which is set for any activity that has been inhibited by the inhibit command. There is also the a_state, which indicates the current state of the activity. Its values are:

~AS_INACTIVE — This value is currently not being processed.

~AS_TIMER_RUNNING — There is currently an alarm outstanding for this activity.

~AS_SERVICE_QUEUED — An alarm has expired for this activity, but has not yet been processed.

~AS_IN_PROGRESS — An activity is currently being processed.

The above-mentioned commands, activate, inhibit, and print, require an activities specification. Such a specification is defined from the following list of objects. More than one object can be combined with the pipe () character:


This object is the $rescanBB activity.

UCS 1000 R4.2 Administration 585-313-507

Issue 3 April 2000 493