A Summary of Commands


\{chr} — Standard C backslash conventions

... — All other characters are printed as is.

Synthetic Fields — Synthetic fields are alternate names for %P, %T, %N, %S, %L, and %M fields, but they also give access to specific fields within the %M field by name or index. The legal synthetic fields are:

~@index@ OR @id@ OR @i@ — The absolute index of the message.

~@symbol@ OR @sym@ OR @s@ — The symbolic name of the message.

~@class@ OR @c@ — The class of the message.

~@classIndex@ OR @ci@ — The index of the message within its class.

~@priority@ OR @pri@ OR @p@ — The priority of the message in %s format.

~@time@ OR @t@ — Equivalent to %T. These may be followed by specifiers like ".sec", ".hour", ".mon", and so on, to get a specific part of the time.

~@program@ OR @prog@ — Equivalent to %N.

~@file@ — Equivalent to %F.

~@line@ — Equivalent to %L.

~@field@[xxx] OR @f@[xxx] — Where xxx is either a numerical index of the field or the symbolic name of the field.

~@message@ OR @msg@ OR @m@— The fully expanded message.

~@cmpmsg@ — The original compressed message.

UCS 1000 R4.2 Administration 585-313-507

Issue 3 April 2000 507