A Summary of Commands

iCk, iCkAdmin

$fileCheck /etc/shadow - - f root - 0777 0400

Check only once. The /etc/shadow file should be owned by root and be read-only to root.

$fileMax /tmp/*.lst 10000 - remove

Remove all the files in /tmp ending with an extension of .lst if they are bigger than 10,000 bytes. Do this only once.

$fileMax /tmp/*.hist 0 - exex ~/bin/mv %f %d/o.%b~

For any nonzero-length files in /tmp with an extension of .hist, save them as /tmp/o.*.hist


In command mode, iCk responds to the following commands. Each command sends a message to the iCk daemon process except for the first command. All commands can be abbreviated to the shortest unique string. Hence au is sufficient to identify the autoReboot function and ac the activate function. For most commands one letter is sufficient.

x “ “ exit “ “ ^D

This command exits from the interactive command mode. This does not affect the iCk daemon process.

bootCnts [period]

This command computes the UNIX reboot information from the /etc/wtmp file. If period is supplied, this length of time is used. If it is not supplied,

UCS 1000 R4.2 Administration 585-313-507

Issue 3 April 2000 490