A Summary of Commands


Shared Memory Segment

The shared memory segment is keyed off the inode of the rules file and the define symbol LDP_KEY, defined in log/head/logDstPri.h. The library routine ftok({file},LDP_KEY) is used to generate the shared memory key.

See Also

logCat logMsg logDstPri msgDstlogEvent/logMsg

The logEvent/logMsg command allows shell scripts to log a specific message.


logEvent [script] [msg] [dst] [pri] [srcFile] [srcLine] <arg1> ...

logMsg [script] [msg] [srcFile] [srcLine] <arg1> ...


The logEvent/logMsg command allows shell procedures to log messages using specific messages. This is opposed to the logit command, which

UCS 1000 R4.2 Administration 585-313-507

Issue 3 April 2000 522