SCSD Tape Drive Service Aid
This service aid allows you to obtain the status or maintenance information from a SCSD tape drive. Not all models of SCSD tape drive are supported.
The service aid provides the following options:
vDisplay time since a tape drive was last cleaned. The time since the drive was last cleaned displays on the screen, as well as a message regarding whether the drive is recommended to be cleaned.
vCopy a tape drive's trace table. The trace table of the tape drive is written to diskettes or a file. The diskettes must be formatted for DOS. Writing the trace table may require several diskettes. The actual number of diskettes is determined by the size of the trace table. Label the diskettes as follows:
TRACEx.DAT (where x is a sequential diskette number). The complete trace table consists of the sequential concatenation of all the diskette data files.
When the trace table is written to a disk file, the service aid prompts for a file name. The default name is: /tmp/TRACE.x, where x is the AIX name of the SCSD tape drive being tested.
vDisplay or copy a tape drive's log sense information. The service aid provides options to display the log sense information to the screen, to copy it to a DOS formatted diskette, or to copy it to a file. The file name LOGSENSE.DAT is used when the log sense data is written to the diskette. The service aid prompts for a file name when you have selected that the log sense data is to be copied to a file.
This service aid can be run directly from the AIX command line. See the following command syntax (path is /usr/lpp/diagnostics/bin/utape):
Flag Description
Chapter 6. Introducing Tasks and Service Aids 143