Step 16
When you are loading the standalone diagnostics, the attributes for the terminal must be set to match the defaults of the diagnostic programs. The ASCII terminal must be attached to serial port 1 on the system unit.
Are you going to load standalone diagnostics and run them from a ASCII terminal?
NO | Go to ªStep 17º. |
YES | Go to ªRunning the Diagnostics from a TTY Terminalº on page 97 and |
| be sure your terminal attributes are set to work with the diagnostic |
| programs. |
| Return to ªStep 17º when you finish checking the attributes. Record |
| any settings that are changed. |
Step 17
This step loads the standalone diagnostics. If you are unable to load the diagnostics, go to ªStep 8º on page 159.
1.Turn on the power.
2.Insert the diagnostic
3.When the keyboard indicator displays, press 5 on the directly attached keyboard, or 5 on the ASCII keyboard, to indicate that diagnostics are to be loaded.
4.Enter any requested passwords.
5.Follow any instructions to select a console.
Did the Diagnostics Operating Instructions display without any obvious display problem?
NO | Go to ªStep 8º on page 159. |
YES | Go to ªStep 10º on page 160. |
Step 18
The diagnostics did not find a hardware problem. If you still have a problem, contact your software support center.
Chapter 8. Hardware Problem Determination 163