Torq User Guide » Chapter 1 9

Torq User Guide » Chapter 2 9


: The following directions are for inst alling the Torq software o nto your computer. Torq will not run , however, unless an

appropriate M-Audio hardware device (such as the Conectiv inte rface) is installed and plugged in to your computer. Please follow

the installation ins tructions provided with your hardware device befo re launching Torq.

Windows XP

1. Place the Torq disc in your CD/DVD drive.
2. Windows will autom atically launch the install screen. I f the install scree n fails to launch, you can manually st art it by
clicking on Start > My Co mputer > Torq CD-ROM.
3. Se lect Torq from the drop-down menu and click “Install .”
4. The Installation Wiz ard will appear. Choose “Next.”
5. The License Agreement wi ndow will appear. Select “I accept the agreement ” then choose “Next.”
6. Windows will prompt you to select a destination folde r. The default pat h is C:\Program Files\Torq. If you would like to
install Torq in another location, clic k the “Browse” button and choose a new location.
7. When you have chosen an install fold er, click “Next.”
8. You will be asked where Torq should install the application shortcuts in the Windows Start menu. If you are not familiar
with this, leave the def ault selection and choose “Next.”
9. The installer will give you the op tion of creating a desktop icon. This icon is used t o quickly launch Torq directly from
your desktop. Make your selectio n and choose “Next.”
10. Conrm your install settings and cho ose “Install.”
11. Torq will begin installing, its process indicated by a Wi ndows progress bar.
12. When Torq is nished installing, choose “Finish.”
13. Close the installer screen.
14. Double-click the Torq application icon to launch t he program.

Macintosh OS X

1. Place the Torq disc in your CD/DVD drive.
2. Double-click the Torq CD icon on your deskt op. This will display the contents of the CD.
3. Double-click the “O pen Me” icon.
4. Select Torq from the drop-down menu and c lick “Install.”
5. The Torq installer welcome screen will appe ar. Click “Continue.”
6. The Software Licen se Agreement window will appear. Click “Continue.”
7. Choose “Agree” from the drop-down di alog box.
8. Select a drive on which to ins tall Torq and click “Continue.”
Note: By default, t he “Applications” folder on your main hard drive will be selected; if you wo uld like to select another folder, click
“Choose” and make a selection.
9. Click “Install” to be gin the installation.
10. When installation has complet ed, select “Close.”
11. A Torq shortcut icon will be displayed on your desktop. Double -click the icon to launch the program.