Torq User Guide » Chapter 1 81Torq User Guide » Chapter 15 81
Custom VST Plug-in Direc tory
This preference allows you to sel ect an alternate folder of VST plug -ins for Torq to use. This will allow you to specify on ly
specic plug-ins to use by copyi ng only the ones you need into a unique folder that you cre ate.
1. Click the arrow next to the rst o ption and select “Yes” from the drop-down menu.
2. Torq will now use the alternate VST plug-ins fo und at the path listed in the window just below.
3. To change the path, click on the path nam e.
4. This will open a standard Sys tem dialog box.
5. Select the folder in whic h your alternate VST plug-ins are stored.
Miscellaneous Tab
This tab contains miscell aneous options that affect the be havior of certain features of Torq.
Torq Engine
This setting is use d to switch the Torq Audio Engine bet ween Normal and Economy modes. Thi s option should be left on
Normal unless you have a slow computer. Switching to Economy will degrade graphical performance and have a slight impact
on sound quality, but can oft en allow Torq to run smoothly on older machines.
Cue Exclusivity
This option affects h ow the Deck Cue buttons behave.
When this option is On, pressing the Cue button on a channel will cause the other Cue button on the other channel to turn
off. This will ensure that you are on ly hearing one audio source through your headphones at a given t ime.
When this option is Off, you can cue multiple channels at once. These Cue sources are mi xed and heard through your
headphones simultaneous ly. With each channel that is added to the Cue mix, the overall Cue bus volume will be attenuated
by 3dB in order to keep it from clipping.