Torq User Guide » Chapter 1 44Torq User Guide » Chapter 9 44
Navigation in the Browser follows a few si mple rules:
1. To view any songs contained in a folde r, click on the folder’s name. If the folder contains music les, those les will be
displayed in the File List to the right of the Browser pane. If Torq cannot identify any playable music les in the selected
folder, the list will be blank.
2. To view any sub-folder s, click the plus sign (+) next to a folder. A lis t will appear below the parent folder showi ng all
available sub-folders . To close this list, click the (–) in front of the parent folder.
The Databa se is the r st item displ ayed in the Browse r pane. The Database is simply a collectio n of le fold ers located
throughout your computer system (even on exter nal disk drives) used to make locating and organizing you musi c more
efcient. Once a folder is added to the Database, the songs it contains will be listed in the File List whenever you click on the
Database heading. If you have multiple folders assigned to the Database, all the les in all folders will be listed simultaneou sly
in the File List. Therefore, to use the Datab ase efciently, you’ll only want to assig n folders that cont ain music you’d like
to spin.
< Adding Folders to Database
To add a music folder to the Database:
1. Use the browser to se arch for a
fol der.
2. Right-click on the folder you want
to add.
3. Choose “Add to database” from the
pop-up menu.
4. The folder will then be assigned to
the Database (you can click the “+”
in front of Database to see this new
folder listed beneath it).
5. Now, when you click on Database, the
contents of the folder you just assigned
will be listed in the File List .
< Adding Multiple Folders
You may nd that one folder will co ntain many folders that you’d like to add to t he Database. A great exampl e of
this is when your music is automat ically sorted by a program like Apple iTunes. Typically, there will be a folder for
each artist in your collection, and e ach of these folders will contain individual folders for each album by that ar tist.
Therefore, if you want to add all the music by t his particular artist to the Dat abase, you actually need to add all of
the individual album folde rs.
To make this easier, Torq includes an option for adding folders, includ ing their subfolders, to the Databa se:
1. Use the Browser to locate the folder contai ning the sub-folders you want to add.
2. Right-click (CTRL-click on Mac) the folder and select “Add folder to Database Recursively.” Torq will
automatically add the folde r, along with all its sub-folders, to the Dat abase.