

Now that you’ve mastered all t he techniques and tricks in Torq, w here do you go from
here? Remixing and productio n. After all, Torq offers you so many tools for re mixing and
sound design that you can cross over the boundary of simply playing songs and easily enter
the realm of music production .
Torq is unique in that it can operate as a ReWire slave. ReWire is a special techno logy
created by Propellerhead that allows two or more differen t audio applicatio ns to share
audio and MIDI data. The system is composed of a single ReWire host and multiple ReWire
slaves. The s laves will all send their audio outpu ts to the host , allowing you to mix, EQ,
and rene the audio using the tool s within the host applicat ion. Furthermore, the host
and slaves will all share transpor t and timing inform ation, allowing the multiple software
applications to act as a sing le unit.
While Torq will interface with any ReWire host application, it w as specically designed to
work with Ableton Live. This outstanding DAW software is geared towards live, real-ti me
production and perform ance, and is therefore the perfect comp lement to Torq.
To begin a ReWire session:
1. Launch the ReWire Hos t application. This could be Ableton Live, Pro Tools
M-Powered, or any other appl ication that will host a ReWire session.
2. Launch Torq. Since Torq is launched seco nd, it will automaticall y launch into
ReWire Slave mode.
3. In order to hear Torq, you’ll need to select Torq as the source for audio channels
in the host application. In Live, this is done by selec ting “Torq” in the top box of
the Channel I/O strip. You’ll also need t o turn the Monitoring to “In” to allow
the audio from Torq to pass through Live.

Master Tempo

Torq’s Master Tempo will lock to the tempo and timeline in the ReWire Host application .
This means that any song you play in Torq can sync up to whatever you’re currently doing
in Live or Pro Tools, even if you change the tempo while the music is playi ng. Simply turn
on Torq’s Master Tempo, then turn on Sync in the Decks. The Decks will then sync to the
Master Tempo shared by Torq and the ReWire Host.
Note: The tra nsport will need to be running in the ReWire host for the synchronization
options to work properly. If transport is stopped, Torq will only match the BPM of the
host application— it won’t be able to keep tracks on beat.