Torq User Guide » Chapter 1 6
Effect Racks
Effects are a great way for you t o manipulate (or m angle) your music
in u nique ways to enhance your mix. Torq has a collectio n of built-in
effects that are spec ically designed for DJ use: Tempo-synced delays and
strobes. Shimmering phasers and angers. Glitchy repeats and distortions.
Ten effects are re ady to go and full o f creative potential. You can use up
to three of these effects on each Deck, and you can also expand your
collection using widely- available VST plug-ins.
A Sampler can be thought of a s a miniature tape recorder. It can record a short s egment of sound , and then play it b ack on
command at varying speeds and volumes. DJs use samplers to add additional sou nds into their mix like crash cymbals, boomy
bass drums, and vocal hits. Torq has a 16-cell sampler that can play audio les and record loops th at play in perfe ct sync with
your mix.
DJing is done with the hands, but you may nd th at your mind wants to hear more than your t wo hands are capable of. To
surmount thi s obstacle, Torq allows you to combine multiple movements, such as button presses and k nob tweaks, into one
grand gesture called a Snapshot that can be trig gered by a single keypress. Torq manages a collec tion of Snapshots that can be
recalled in terchangeably, even in rapid succession. The Snapshots can even be layered together to create massive changes in
your mix.