Torq User Guide » Chapter 1 68Torq User Guide » Chapter 13 68
< Tweak Knob
This knob will adjust the Cut off Frequencies of the lters.
» Wh en the Tweak button is off, the knob will behave as follows:
1. Placing the knob at 12 o’clock will result in the audio passing throug h the Dual-Filter unaffect ed.
2. Turning the knob counterclockwise from 12 o’clock will begin to lower the Cu toff Frequency of the
Low-Pass lte r. You will hea r the music become dull and mufed as you turn th is down to the point
where you’ll only hear low bass rumbl es.
3. Turning the knob clockwise from the 12 o’clock position will begin to raise the Cutoff Frequency of
the High-Pass lt er. You will hea r the music become more thin and brittle as you do this until on ly the
highest of the high frequenc ies remain.
» When the Tweak button is on, the Tweak knob will m erely control the center frequency of the B and-Pass
lter. As you turn the knob down (counterclockwise), you’ll hear the high frequencie s become mufed while
you begin to hear more of the bass .
Distortion, by de nition, is the altering of a sig nal. In practical terms, it refers to feeding audio into a dev ice so loudly that
it exceeds th e dynamic range of the device. The re sult is a fairly raunchy noise that, at times, can b e exactly what you’re
looking for. This is known a s Overdrive Distortion, and i s one of the two types of distortion possible with the Distortion
The other type of distort ion is Sample Rate Reduction. When an audio le has its samp le rate lowered, it looses the ability
to accurat ely reproduce high-frequency so unds. Instead of sounding soft and mufed like a Low-Pa ss lter, the Sample
Reducer will sound grainy and hars h.
< Enable button
This button turns the Di stortion on and off.
< Mix Knob and Routing Button
Like the Dual-Filte r above, the Distortion is designed to be used as an Insert effect. The Routing button will switch
to Inser t mode autom atically any time you load the Distor tion effect. You should also turn the Mix knob fully
clockwise so that you can only hear the outp ut of the distortion (if you blend the distorted signal wit h the original
signal, the distor tion will be less pronounced).
< Tweak Button
This button is used to set the op erating mode of the D istortion. When the but ton is of f, the Dis tortion is in
Overdrive mode. When the but ton is on, the Distortion will be in S ample Rate Reduction mode.
< Tweak Knob
» When set to Overdrive mod e, the Tweak knob will increase the volume of the signal being fed into the
distortion. When the knob is full y cou nterclockwise, the input signal is not boosted and therefore undistorted.
As you turn this knob clockwise, the volume will begin to increase. At a certain point , you’ll start to hear the
audio become distort ed. You can leave the knob here for a subtle disto rtion, or you can continue to turn i t
clockwise in order to push t he distortion into really nast y realms.
» When set to Sample Rate Reducer mode, the Tweak knob will control the output sample rate. W hen the
knob is fully counterclockwise, there is no sample rate reduction, so the audio will be undistorted. As you
turn the k nob clockwise, t he sample rate will be lowered. The high frequencies w ill be the rst to exhibit
signs of distortion. As you continue turning the knob, the distortion w ill move lower and lower into the
frequency range of the audi o until all that remains is low-sample junk.