Congratulations on your purchase of a Torq-based performance system, one of the finest DJ tools available today. Each qualified M-Audio hardware product works with Torq in a unique fashion, and those methods are outlined in each of their user manuals.. This manual will outline the use of the Torq application itself, and we recommend that you read this manual first in order to familiarize yourself with the architecture of Torq. It will then be easier to understand how your hardware works in conjunction with the software.
Torq Overview
Torq is a software extrapolation and extension of tried-and-true DJ tools and techniques for your Mac OS X or Windows XP computer. Torq is not bound by the limits of hardware— it embraces the technology of today’s most advanced audio production applications and integrates with them in a fashion that makes you part of the music. Exercising this level of control upon your collection of songs is a task that has many facets, and Torq addresses each of these with a specialized array of controls and features that are cleverly arranged and accessed throughout the user interface. This section will give you an overview of these features and how they contribute to your arsenal of digital mixing tools and techniques.