Torq User Guide » Chapter 1 65Torq User Guide » Chapter 13 65
< Tweak Knob
In the case of the D elay effect, the Tweak knob will control the Feedback amount. As described earlier, feedback
is when the output of the Delay effect is sent b ack to the input again. The res ult is a repeated echo since you are
essentially “echoing the ec hoes”:
1. When fully counterclockwise, fe edback will be disabled.
2. When the knob is turned up to three quarters of the ma ximum (96 on a scale of 0 to 127), the feedback will
be 100% (i.e. the delay will never fade aw ay).
3. When the knob is turned past three quarters (96), the feedback will be increa sed beyond 100%, allowing the
delay to get louder with eac h time it is repeated.
< Tweak Button
Use this button to change the Delay time of the effe ct. The Delay’s time will be set to match the rate at which you
tap this button. Furt hermore, this button will blink at the rate of the current delay time . The maximum delay time
is two bars and the minimum time is 1/16-note (1/16 of a bar). The operation of this bu tton is governed by a few
1. Torq will determine the tempo withi n only two taps. This allows you to change the delay time ver y quickly,
even while the Delay is already act ive.
2. Since Torq knows the tempo of the song playing on the Deck, the delay time you tap using the Tweak button
will automaticall y be adjusted to match a note value at the current tempo. For example , if the song BPM is
120, and you tap a tempo that is read as 122 BPM, the delay time will be set to 120 BPM (quarter-note delay).
If you tap a tempo that is read as 158 BPM, the del ay tempo will be rounded up to 160, which is a dotted-
Reverb is the phenomenon in which sound bounces off the w alls within a room, creating hundred s (thousands?) of echoes
that cannot be individually identied by the human ear. The total result of all these echoes is a wide and ethereal sound that
can add a nice touch of space to your mix .
The most obvious characterist ic of a Reverb is how long it lasts. Th is is referred to as the Reverb Time and is the only
adjustable parame ter in Torq’s Reverb effec t.
< Enable button
If this button is not activated, the input to t he reverb unit will be silent. The ou tput, however, will continue to be
active, allowing the reverb to na turally fade out when you turn this butto n off.
< Mix Knob and Routing Button
When the neighboring Routing but ton is set to Send mode, the Mix knob will set the amount of signal fed into the
Reverb processor. This signal will then be bl ended with the original signal from th e Deck, making it sound like the
Reverb was added to the song.
When the Routing button is set to I nsert mode, the Mix knob will adjust the Dr y/Wet balance of the Reverb. The
difference is that the au dio generated by the Reverb will replace the origin al song as you turn this knob up.
By default, the Reverb effect will load with t he Routing button set to Send mode since this is the typical way to
use a Reverb. However, feel fre e to experiment with Insert mode—you ca n create ambient textures that can be
interesting to blend int o your mix.