Torq User Guide » Chapter 1 78Torq User Guide » Chapter 15 78
Auto-Detect M-Audio D evices ([On]/Off)
When th is option is enabled, Torq will automat ically set the Audio and MIDI interface opt ions to t hose of any known
M-Audio controller and interface that is connected to your system. This will ensure proper operation of Torq and connected
Note: If you have created a custom mapping for your controllers or special assignments for your audio interface and don’t want Torq
to replace these mappings w ith the defaults upon the next star tup, leave this option turned off.
Scratch Sensitivit y
This option allows you to con gure how rapidl y a Deck
will respond to messages sent from a MIDI controller. It is
designed fo r controllers that will move the wavefor m back
and forth, like a scratch DJ .
1. By in creasing the numb er, the Deck will respond
more rapidly.
2. By decreasing t he number, the Deck will respond
more slowly.
Nudge Sensitivity
This setting allows you to adjust Torq’s sensitivity to “nudging”
or gradually slipping the phase of one deck to match the
phase of the other deck .
By default this parame ter is set to 5, however:
1. By increasing the numbe r, the Deck will nudge your
track more rapidly.
2. By decreasing the number, the Deck will nudge your
track more gradually.
Note that t his setting differ s from the “Scrat ch Sensitivity”
parameter which c hanges Torq’s sensitivity to scratches, which
“push” or “pull” your waveform much mor e quickly and forcefully
than a nud ge. Unlike a scratch, a nudge very gently slows down or speeds up a track and is used to ne tune the timing of two
Crossfader Curve C ontrol
This prefe rence allows you to assign a MIDI controller to the Crossfader Curve parameter. You can t hen control the
Crossfader Curve with a kno b or slider on your MIDI controller.
1. Press the button labe led “Learn” to activate it.
2. Turn a knob on your MIDI controller.
3. Torq will immediately assign the knob to the Crossfader Curve. Check this by looki ng at the Crossfader graphic in
the main window while turning t he knob.
When using Torq, the SHIFT key on your computer’s keyboard is used rather often. This option lets you assign a MIDI Note
to function a s “SHIFT” in Torq, t hus allowing you to do S HIFT-based combinations (such as SHIFT+Nudge) entirely from
an external MIDI cont roller. To assign a MIDI note:
1. Press the button labe led “Learn” to activate it.
2. Push a button or key on your MIDI cont roller.
3. Torq will immediately assign the but ton as a Shift key for use within the program.
DJ oriented MIDI controllers with turntable platter s
will vary in how they handle scratching and nudging.
Certain pro ducts will allow you to cont rol only
nudging, while others (such as the M-Audio Xponen t)
will allow you to control both nudging and scratching.
Refer to t he product ’s user guide to l earn if each
turntable plat ter is capable of sending o ut both MIDI
not e a nd C C i nfo rm ati on . I f so , as si gn e ac h t urn ta bl e’s
MIDI note and CC command s to the co rresponding
Main Waveform Display in Torq (this is done using
the “MIDI Learn” feature described in t he MIDI
Preferences section of thi s guide).
If your tu rntable ca n only send out MIDI CC
information but not MIDI note data (i.e., the turntable
is not t ouch sensitive), then you will only be able to
control nudging. Assign the turntable’s MIDI CC
output to control the correspondi ng Main Waveform
Display in Torq (again, this is done using the “MIDI
Learn” feature described in the MIDI Prefe rences
section of this guide).