Torq User Guide » Chapter 1 53Torq User Guide » Chapter 9 53
< Searching iTunes with the Database
Torq can also automatically add the con tents of the iTunes Library to the Dat abase. That way, when you click the
Database he ading in the Browse r, you’ll get the les from all folders assigned to the Database as well as all les
within the iTunes Library. To enable this feature:
1. Open the Preferences.
2. Click the Misc tab.
3. Next to “Search iTunes Library wit h Database,” select “Yes.”
4. Close the Preferences.
5. Torq will now include the contents of the iTunes Library when you clic k the Database heading.
Torq also allows direct access to the contents of any connected iPod (excluding the iPod Shufe). When an iPod is connected,
it will be listed in the Browser wi ndow.
Like the iTunes Library above, the content s of the iPod can be searched using the Library or Pl aylist headings. You can also
include the contents of t he iPod in the Database by doing the following:
Note: If you are connecting an i Pod to your computer after Torq is already running, you w ill need to refresh the Browser window in
order to see the new iPod in the Brow ser list. To do this, press F5 on your computer’s keyboard or click t he “Browser” heading at the
top of the window.
1. Open the Preferences.
2. Click on the Misc tab.
3. Next to “Search iPod With D atabase,” select “Yes.”
4. Close the Preferences.
5. Torq will now include the songs from the iPod the next time you cl ick the Database heading.
Note: If using an iPod with a large collection of audio le s, it may take Torq a moment to download the entire music list
the rst time you try to a ccess it during a Torq session.
Also keep in mind that Torq streams the music directly off the iPod. You cannot disconnect the iPod until you are done playing
any music contained on it.