

exTernal ConTro l
One of Torq’s greatest features is the ability to use external sources to control the playback
of your song les. In part icular, you can use the Torq Control Vinyl or Torq Control CDs
to provide the famili ar tactile sensation of DJing with traditional turntables and /or CD
decks. Torq also allows you to use external MIDI hardwa re to control nearly any feature
within the application .
The Control Vinyl and Control CD system works by using vinyl records and compact discs
imprinted with spe cial control signals. You’ll play these control signals on your turntables
and/or CD players and feed t hat signal into any prof essional audio interface that has
four inputs (with phono pre ampliers on eac h input if you are using tur ntables) such as
the M- Audio Conectiv. Torq will listen t o those audio signals and will use the encoded
information to control the pl ayback of the Decks.

Enabling Vinyl/CD Control

1. Connect the outputs of your rst turntable or CD player to inputs 1/2 of your
audio int erface. If the int erface has a “Line /Phono” input selector s witch, be
sure to set it to “Pho no” if using turn tables, or “Li ne” if using CD players (or
turntables with buil t-in preamps).
or CD Player
Line Phono
Line Phono
2. Connect the outpu ts of your second turntable or CD player to inputs 3/4
of your audio inter face. Again , you’ll need to set its in put selector switch as
described above.

Using Torq with only one turntable or CD p layer:

The connection diagra m on this page assumes you have a traditional

DJ setu p two CD p layers or t urntab les. Howev er, Torq has a sp ecial

“AMPutate Mode” that allows you to control both decks using

only one turntable or CD player. This mo de is descr ibed later in

this chapter.