Torq User Guide » Chapter 1 80Torq User Guide » Chapter 15 80
Control Calibration
The settings wit hin this preference are used to co ngure each input pair of Torq for use with external control records or
CDs. For vinyl control, you can use t he Torq Control Vinyl records or some versions of the Ms. Pinky control re cords.
» Control Type (Gen1, Gen2, Gen3, Torq Vinyl, Torq CD)—this pop-up menu allows you to set the vinyl
or CD source to use for the Deck. To use t he Torq Control Vinyl or Torq Control CD, select “Torq Vinyl” or
“Torq CD,” respectively. Gen1, Gen2, and Gen3 are for use with Ms Pink y records generations 1, 2, and 3.
» Power Thresh old—this set ting sets the minimum signal necessary to make E xternal Control work. I f this
setting is too low, quiet noises picked up by the turntable could be interpreted incorrectly as control sign als. If this
setting is too high, t he Deck will not respond to the extern al control signals at slow speeds. This shou ld be set as
low as possible without introducing any anomalies. Plea se see the “External Control Calibration” section earlier in
this manual for the proper ca libration procedure.
» Velo cit y—this display allows you to see the inuence of the exte rnal control inpu t. When work ing properly,
playing back the Control Vinyl or CD at i ts original speed should result in a number ver y close to 1.0 in this eld.
» Position—when external control is working properly, this di splay will show a number that increases as the
source plays forward.
» Error Index—if t he number displayed in this eld is bel ow 1.5, the control source is being read proper ly. If the
number is higher tha n 2.0, the display will turn re d, indicating problems with the incoming control signal. You will
then need to adjust your control set tings, clean your records, and/or replace your st ylus to x this.
Plug-ins Tab
Torq allows you to use VST plug-in eff ects to further e nhance and mangle your music. VS Ts can be stored in various
locations on your hard drive, and t hese preferences will choose the plug-in loc ations for Torq to use.
System VST Plug-in Direc tory
This preference gives you the optio n to use your system VST plug-in directory a s the VST folder for Torq.
1. Click the arrow next to the rst o ption and select “yes” from the drop-down me nu.
2. Torq will now use the VST plug-ins found at the path li sted in the window just below.