Torq User Guide » Chapter 1 24Torq User Guide » Chapter 5 24
When a mis-alignment occurs (as seen above), you’ll see that the grid does not line up with the beginnings of the beats (transients)
in the waveform. In the examp le, the Phase Grid is too early, leaving a gap between the grid lines and the transients in the
There are a number of ways to x a mis-aligne d Phase Grid. Which method you choose to use will probably de pend on whether
you’re comfortable using the mouse and keyboard, or whether you prefer to use external MIDI con trol. The results are all the
same, so choose whichever feel s good for you.
Adjusting with the Mouse
1. Hold down the Shift key, then click-a nd-drag left or right with the m ouse.
2. The Phase Grid will move left or r ight, following your mouse movements.
3. Once you h ave aligned the thicker “downbeat” marker of the grid to the downbe at of t he music, release the
mouse button.
Note: You can turn on Caps Lock instead of holding Shift if you need to adjust t he grid using just one hand. Turn off Caps L ock
when you’re nished so you can regain proper co ntrol of the waveforms.
Adjusting with Nudge Butto ns
1. Hold down the Shift key, then click on o ne of the Nudge buttons.
2. The Phase Grid will move left or r ight depending on which Nudge button you clic k.
3. Use the buttons to align t he thicker “downbeat” marker of the grid to the downbe at of the music.
Adjusting with Off set Buttons
1. Hold down the Shift key, then click on o ne of the Offset buttons.
2. Instead of making a small change to the Phase Grid , this will have the effec t of moving the grid an enti re beat left
or right. This is a quick way to x the Phase Grid if it happens to be aligned to th e beats but has the downbeat in
the wrong location.