Torq User Guide » Chapter 1 5
It’s all in the mix, or so they say, and Torq’s Mixer delivers the
goods. The Mixer takes the audio from t he two Decks and gives you
control over what can b e heard by means of volume control s, audio
equalizers, and a crossf ader. Two Decks and a Mixer: t he essential
tools for a DJ.
PFL/Headphone Cue
DJs commonly listen to a track on thei r headphones without letting their audience he ar it. This allows them to match the tempo
of the new song to the current o ne, along with nding the correct st arting position for the song. Torq will allow you to monitor
either Deck on headphone s, and also features a stereo headphone spli t normally reserved for high-qualit y DJ mixers.
There is a t hird ingredient to DJing, and that’s music—lots of music. To help you st ay on top of your mas sive music collection,
Torq features a Database for cataloging and searching tracks. It will monitor your favorite folders and allow you to create playlists
for future performances .