

By now, you’ve surely noticed that Torq has many features designed to m ake DJing easier.
Automatic tempo-detection and beat-matching allow you, the DJ , to spend your time
doing other things rathe r than manually keeping two tracks in sync . For example, you can
remix the song using lo ops and QuickCues , tweak the sound using effects and EQ, and
add samples to the mix . The sheer quantity of option s available to you easily exceeds the
number of ngers you have on your hands, so controlling all these features simultan eously
can become a challenge. Torq’s innovative Snapshot system allows you to overcome these
obstacles by allowing you to perform multiple ta sks with the simpl e push of a button
or two.
A Snap shot is ver y much like it s ounds—a vir tual picture of settings within Torq. You
can congure the control s and effects in Torq as you like, then save all those settings in a
Snapshot that you can recall instant aneously. Torq enables you to make a virtually unlimited
list of Snapshots, all with uniq ue control parameters, and sort them in the Snaps hot list—
this list becomes an arsen al of your best tricks, which you can use at any time .

Snapshot List

If you pre ss the Tab key o n your keyboard or click the C amera tab (shown below), the
Database and Browser will be replaced with the Sn apshot List . The list has multiple
columns, like the File List, and each row represent s one Snapshot. Press the Tab key again
(or click the Browser tab) to return to the D atabase and Browser.

Creating a Snapshot

To create a new Snapshot, simply click the New S napshot button above the Snapshot list .
Torq will immediately create a new Snapshot entry and the name will be highlighted so that
you can type in a proper name for the Snapshot . Type in something you can remember and
press Enter. You can alw ays rename the Snapsho t by double-clicking its name and typ ing
in a new one.