Torq User Guide » Chapter 1 61Torq User Guide » Chapter 12 61Master Recorder
The Master module also includes a Recorder which allows you to record and save your mix as an audio le as you perform it. You
can then take your recorded mix and bur n it onto a CD or distribute it as a podcast , for example.
The process of recording your mix is extremely simple. You start by choosing a name for your mix and a location on your ha rd
drive for saving it. Then, you mix ! When you’re done, press Stop and your le will be ready to go.
To set the lename for your recording:
1. Click the Filename butt on (which looks like “...” when no name is set). A dialog box will open.
2. Select the destination folder for your recordi ng, then give it a name and press enter. The dialog box will close and
your new lename will be shown on the Fil ename button.
Note: The sampl e rate of the recorded  le will match the sample rate curr ently sele cted in the Audio tab of the
Setting the Record Level
The Master Volume slider will control the level of your recording. You’ll want to se t this slider as high as possibl e without
constantly trigge ring the limiter (it’s OK if you trigger the limiter every once in a while). If you set the Master Volume slider
too low, your mix will be recorded quietly and wi ll therefore have less delity.
Note: Changes made to the Master Volume slid er will be committed to your recording, even w hile you’re in the middle of your mix.
Now that you have set the lename and recordi ng level, you can begin recording:
1. Click the Record button. It will light up to indicate that recording has commenced. You’ll also see the Record Time
window begin to count the leng th of the recording.
2. Perform your mixing magic as you nor mally would.
3. Press the Record button agai n to stop the recording and save the le.