Torq User Guide » Chapter 1 77Torq User Guide » Chapter 15 77
The solution is to set the buffer size as low as it can go without inducing any audio probl ems. This is just like playing a game
of limbo:
1. Load some music into a Deck and play it .
2. While the music is playing, op en the Audio Preferences.
3. If music is playing back properly, open the Buffer Size menu and selec t the next smallest buffer size. The buffer will
be updated immediately a nd the music will continue to play.
4. Listen to the music for a m oment. If it sounds clean (no click , pops, or glitches), then lower the Buf fer Size to the
next lowest setting.
5. Keep repeating this proce dure, listening to the qualit y of the audio each time, until you reach a setting where the
audio breaks up.
6. Once you nd thi s lower t hreshold, set the Buf fer Size to the next highes t setting (the last one that worked
properly) and your system will be opt imized.
While Torq should be very stable at these setting s, keep in mind that the system performa nce can be compromised
as you increase the CPU load. This is most notable when using CPU-intensive VST effects. Load ing one of these
effects m ay cause pops and click in your audio , at which point you will have to increase the buf fer size until t he
audio is clean again.
Note: Using some external VST effects can int roduce additional audio buffering within the Torq application. When this
happens, your manipulations of the Decks will seem sluggish—this is a side effect of the VST plug-in in use and is not related
to this buffer sett ing.
This tab features all optio ns pertaining to Auto-Set up and MIDI control.