Torq User Guide » Chapter 1 14Torq User Guide » Chapter 3 14
4. When you’re nished looping this section of the song, you can click the Loop On/Off button to turn it off. Now,
when playback reaches the L oop Out Marker, it will simply pass it and proceed playing the re st of the song.
No t e : If you reposition playback using one of the QuickCue buttons while Looping is activated , playback will jump to the
new location. Torq will then automat ically place the Loop In Marker at that point an d will place the Loop Out Marker in
a position to maintain th e same loop length in use prior to pressing the Qui ckCue button.
< Loop On/Off
The Loop button will indicate wheth er Torq is looping audio or not. Whenever this but ton is illuminated, Torq will
be looping something, whether trig gered with one of the QuickLoop buttons or set manually with the Loop In and
Loop Out buttons. Clic k this button to toggle looping on and of f.
< QuickLoop
More oft en than not, a DJ w ill loop audio that is an even number of beats or b ars. That is, they will loop a single
bar (four beats) or two bars (eight beat s), or may do micro-loops of only one or two beats. Instead of having to
quickly press the Loop In and Loop Out buttons to create loops of these lengths, Torq provides one-button access
to these loops via the Quick Loop buttons.
» Using QuickLoops
The QuickLoop but tons allow you to instantly loop a section of a song by a preset length. By default, each of
the four buttons represe nts a different bar length; on e bar, two bars, four bars, and eight bars. Si mply press
one of these butt ons at the beginning of the se ction you want to loop and Torq will aut omatically place the
Loop In and Loop Out Markers in t he appropriate locations:
1. Load a song into a Deck and press play.
2. Press the QuickLoop button labe led “1.” The Loop but ton will be switched on and the Loop In Marker
will immediately be placed at the Now Line. Fur thermore, the Loop Out Marker will be placed exactly
one bar later and the song will be gin looping a perfect bar.
3. To turn the loo p OFF, click the Lo op button. Playback will now proceed beyond the Loop
Out Marker.
» QuickLoop Size Preference
As men tioned above, the def ault loop lengths for the four Quick Loop buttons are one bar, two bars, fou r
bars, and ei ght bars. The QuickL oop Size preference allows you to change the Q uickLoop buttons to beat
values instead of bar val ues:
1. Open the Torq Preferences menu and click on the Behaviors t ab.
2. Click the arrow next to QuickLoop Size optio n and choose “Beat” from the drop-down l ist.
3. Click the “X” to close the Preferences win dow.
Now, when you use the QuickLoop butto ns as described above, you’ll nd that they capture loops of one
beat, two beats , four beats, and eight beats in size.