Torq User Guide » Chapter 1 22Torq User Guide » Chapter 4 22Playback Manipulations
The Waveform Display allows you to manipulate the song playback in a variety of ways using your mouse. The met hod of control
differs depending o n the control type you have selected for the Deck ( Vinyl/CDJ/Hybrid).
Vinyl Mode
With this mod e selected , using the mouse on the waveform will work in a simil ar fashion to using your hand on a
1. Click and hold the mouse on the wavefor m. Playback will stop, as if you have place d your hand o n a record to
stop it.
2. Continue holding the mouse but ton, then drag the mouse left an d right. This will scrub, or “scratch,” the song.
3. Releasing the mouse butt on will cause the Deck to play the song back from the cur rent location.
Hybrid Mode
With Hybrid mode active, the waveform will resp ond exactly like the CDJ mode while the Deck controls (Play/Pause, Cue,
etc.) behave like Vinyl Mode.
1. Click and hold on the waveform. The mus ic will continue to play
2. While hold ing on the mouse but ton, drag the mouse left. The playback te mpo will b e momentarily increased,
making the waveform scroll a lit tle faster to the left.
3. Now hold and drag the mouse t o the right . Playback will remain goi ng forward, but the te mpo will be slowed
slightly, resulting in a waveform that s till scrolls right to left, but at a slower r ate.
4. As soon as you stop dragging, playback will return to its original tempo even if you are still holding the
mouse button.
CDJ Mode
With this mode selected, the waveform wil l not be “scr atched” with th e mouse. Instead , mouse movements will simply
nudge the music ahead or behind by a sm all amount.
1. Click and hold on the waveform. The mus ic will continue to play
2. While hold ing on the mouse but ton, drag the mouse left. The playback te mpo will b e momentarily increased,
making the waveform scroll a lit tle faster to the left.
3. Now hold and drag the mouse t o the right . Playback will remain goi ng forward, but the te mpo will be slowed
slightly, resulting in a waveform that s till scrolls right to left, but at a slower r ate.
4. As soon as you stop dragging, playback will return to its original tempo even if you are still holding the
mouse button.