Torq User Guide » Chapter 1 31Torq User Guide » Chapter 6 31
Deck Control
AMPutate mode allows you to control one of Torq’s Decks with a single Control Vinyl or Control CD while the other Deck
operates in Hybrid or CDJ mo de. To enable AMPutate mode:
1. Open the Preferences and cli ck on the External Control tab.
2. Ensure that Externa l Control is enabled. If not, turn it on now by sel ecting “Yes” in its drop-down menu.
3. With External Cont rol enabled, you’ll also be able to enable AMPut ate mode by selecting “Yes” in its
drop-down menu.
4. AMPutate will use the control so urce chosen for Control Input A on the Audio Preferences tab. Chec k your
selection on this tab t o make sure you have selected your desired control source.
5. Close the Preferences.
6. Load a track onto Deck A and clic k the Vinyl button (located right below the Q uickCue buttons).
7. Deck A will now be under extern al control.
8. Start your turntabl e or CD player. Deck A will begin to play like normal.
9. Now, load a track onto Deck B and click its Vinyl b utton. You’ll notice that Deck A will auto matically switch to
Hybrid or CDJ con trol (whichever mode you used las t) and will continue to play! At the same time, the external
control source will now be controlling Deck B .
10. You can swap external control back and forth as you please and the music will remain pl aying on both Deck s at
all times.
So you can see that swapping exter nal control is as sim ple as clic king the Vinyl button on the Deck you w ish
to control ( you could assign M IDI notes or keys on your computer’s keyboard to the Vinyl buttons, too). I f the
external control source is stopped when you switch control to the other Deck , it will remain s topped. If the
control source was playing when you sw itch control to the other Deck, it will rem ain playing.
Note: Because the AMPutate system allows you to swap control between two independent Decks, the Decks are forced into
Relative mode to prevent any undesirable jumps in playback position when toggling control. Therefore, when using AMPutate
mode, you will use the on- screen controls (Fast Forward, Rewi nd, Overview Waveform, QuickCues, etc.) to set t he playback
position of the song— needle drops will not work.