Torq User Guide » Chapter 1 25Torq User Guide » Chapter 5 25Sync Button
The Sync button is an au tomatic method of synchronizing the beat and BPM of one Deck to another. When you e ngage Sync on
a Deck (the Sync icon is on), it will change that Deck’s tempo to match the ot her Deck. Furthermore, when you press Play, Torq
will align the song to the p hase of the other Deck. Essenti ally, the synced Deck will be “slaved” to the othe r Deck (which would
be the “master”).
Locked Sync
Sync will remain active until you turn it of f by clicking the Sync button again. While Sync is act ive, the Decks will effectively
be locked together. The slaved D eck will be affected by te mpo changes made to the op posite Deck. If you slow down t he
master Deck, t he slaved Deck will also slow down in ki nd. If you attempt to scratch or re-align the slaved Deck, Torq will
automatically snap it b ack into alignment to match the phase of the m aster Deck.
Momentary Sync
When you turn Sync off on a Deck, it will keep the tempo set ting allowing the song to keep playing in t ime with the other
Deck. However, Torq will no longer at tempt to keep the two Deck s in sync if you make cha nges to them. Torq will no
longer snap the songs ba ck into alignment if you move one of them, nor w ill Torq continue to match tempos if you change
them. So if you just need to synchronize for a moment and wish for the music to run freely afterward, click the Sync button
once to turn it on, then cl ick it again to turn it back off— the Tempo will be matched to the other Deck , and you’ll be free
to start and manipul ate the music as you wish.
Master Tempo
Using the Sync button as d escribed above will allow you to sync one Deck to the other. However, if you wish to have your
looped samples sync up to your mix, or if you wish for your mix to follow the tempo of the ReWire host, you’ll use the
Master Tempo.
When you click the Master button, the M aster Tempo will be active. Now, when you press the Sync button on a Deck, it
will sync to the Master Tempo as opposed to synci ng to the other Deck. I f you turn Sync on for both Dec ks, both Decks
will be synchronize d to the Master Tempo and will therefore play in sync . Additionally, when you trig ger looped samples,
those loops will play in sync wit h the Master Tempo (and any synced Decks).
Changing the Maste r Tempo will result in the same change to the sy nced Decks and the Sampler. There are a couple w ays
to adjust the Master Tempo:
1. Use the + and – buttons to incre ment or decrement the current tempo by one B PM.
2. Hold the Shift key while dr agging up and down on the Master Tempo Display to ma ke smooth changes to the tempo.
3. Click repeatedly on the Ma ster Tempo Display to tap a new tempo.