Torq User Guide » Chapter 1 12Torq User Guide » Chapter 3 12
In addition to the pr imary Cue Point described above, Torq allows you to set up to
ve QuickCue Points in a song that are assigned to the Quick Cue buttons below
the Overview Waveform display. These buttons can t hen be used to quickly jump
between the various Q uickCue points.
< Setting QuickCues
There are a few different w ays to set QuickCue Poin ts, but all methods
deliver the same results .
1. Click t he QuickCu e Set button, then click one of the Qu ickCue
buttons. A QuickCue Poin t will be set at the current lo cation (this
can be done while the Deck is playing or paused ). When added, the
QuickCue will be visible in the O verview Waveform display.
2. Hold the Shift key while clicking one of the QuickCue buttons. Again,
the QuickCue Poin t will be set to the Now Line, wh ether the Deck
is playing or not. When added , the Q uickCue will be visible in the
Overview Waveform display.
Note: If you try to assign a QuickCue to a button that is already set to a particular
location, the old QuickC ue location will be overwritten in favo r of the new one.
< Playing QuickCues
Once you’ve set a couple QuickCue Points, all you h ave to do is cli ck on the desired QuickCue button and the
Deck will immediately jump to this new location and begin playing. If you set your QuickCue Points at key positions
within the song , you can immediately jump to different sections on-the-y, such as jum ping ahead to a chorus o r
back to the intro.
Note: There are 10 QuickCue Points—ve for each Deck. These point s are mapped to the number keys on your computer
keyboard. N umbers 1-5 correspond to QuickCues 1-5 on Deck A while numbers 6-0 corres pond to Q uickCues 1-5 on
Deck B. Pressing one of these number buttons has the same effect as clicking one of the QuickCue buttons on screen.
Additionally, you can set QuickCue Points without using the mo use by holding the Shift key and pres sing one of these
number buttons.
Deck Mode
In order for Torq to feel familiar to all type s of DJs, the Decks can be operated in o ne of three different modes.
< Vinyl Mode
Vinyl Mode will make the Deck beh ave as if it was a turntable. This means:
1. Pressing Play/Pause to pause playback will ca use audio to stop, just like pressing stop on a turnt able.
2. Clicking and dragging on the Scrol ling Waveform will have audible results, like scratching a record.