Torq User Guide » Chapter 1 82Torq User Guide » Chapter 15 82
Schaffel Mode
Schaffel is German for “shuf e,” which has become a popular form of dance music based on a triplet rhyth m as opposed to
a straight 4/4 rhythm.
When th is mode is activated, any of the effects (or parame ters that quantize their values) will include t riplets in their
quantizing options.
Take the Strobe effect for example: The Parame ter knob changes the rate of the Strobe effect . Normally, this would select
rates of 1⁄2 , 1⁄4, 1/8, 1/16, and 1/32. With Schaffel engaged, the knob would quanti ze to 1⁄2, 1⁄4, 1/8, 1/8T, 1/16T, and 1/32T.
The “T” after the num ber stands for “Triplet.”
Note: Selecting a tripl et quantization will give the effec t or parameter a “shufed” or funky feel.
QuickLoop Size
This option affects h ow the QuickLoop buttons behave.
When this preference is set t o “Bar,” your loops will be established in lengt hs of musical bars. When this preferen ce is set
to “Beat,” your loops will be e stablished in lengths of musica l beats.
Search iPod with Database
When this preference is set to Yes, any connected iPods will have their music l ibraries incorporated into the Database
for instant searching. If this option is off, you will have to specically selec t the iPod Library in the Browser to view its
Search iTunes Library with Databas e
If you happen to have a copy of Appl e iTunes installed on your com puter, selecting “Yes” for this o ption will integrate i ts
Music Librar y into Torq’s Database. Any song s currently a par t of your iTunes Library will be instantly accessible in Torq
along with all other folders assigned to the Dat abase. If this option is off, you’ll have to specically select the iTunes Librar y
in the Browser window to view its cont ents.
Transport Mode
The Nudge and Offset buttons in the Decks can have their direct ions reversed using this preference. By default, this option
is set to Reverse, meaning the buttons operate in a man ner similar to a DJ using turntable s. Instead of pressing right to go
faster or ahead in the son g, you’ll press left (just like the closest ed ge of a record spinning past a DJ). If you prefer more of
a “tape machine” style con trol, switch this option to “Normal .”
If you hover your mouse over a control in Torq, often a small Tooltip will appear describing the function of the control.
Additionally, when you move a knob or sl ider with the mouse , a Tooltip will be displ ayed showing the new set ting of the
knob or slider. This preference chooses the l evel of detail in the Tooltips.
» F u l l —when selected, all Tooltips will be displayed , both when you hover your mouse and when you operate a
» Adjust—when selec ted, the only Tooltips th at will appear are t hose showing the adjustme nt applied to a kno b
or slider. The normal Tooltips seen when hovering the mouse over a cont rol will be hidden.
» None—when select ed will disable all Tooltips entirely.