Torq User Guide » Chapter 1 66Torq User Guide » Chapter 13 66
< Tweak Knob
This knob controls the Reverb time. When fully counterclock wise, the Reverb will be extreme ly short, similar to
the sound heard in a small shower stall. As you tur n this knob clock wise, the Reverb will become longer until it
sounds similar to a huge cathed ral.
< Tweak Button
Pressing this button will “freeze” the Reverb. When ac tivated, the Reverb will stop accepting audio input from
the Deck and will feed back on itself instead. The result is a reverb t hat “hangs” or “stalls” indenitely. When you
turn Freeze off, the Reverb will begin accepting input signals again, and the current “frozen” reverb w ill fade away
following the curre nt Reverb Time. This can be another interestin g way to ll up space during a break or t o add
emphasis to a hit in the song.
A Flanger is a common effect found in most effect processors. Flanging grew from a studio trick where engineers would play
identical material on two tape decks , then make slight changes to the play speed of the two tape machines by dragging their
hand on the anges of the t ape reels. The result is a “wooshing” sound that c an be compared to a jet yover.
< Enable Button
Naturally, this button t urns the Flanger on and off.
< Mix Knob and Routing Button
Unlike the two e ffects discussed so fa r, the Flanger works best wit h the Routing button set to Insert mode. This
allows you to co mpletely replace the original audio signal with the anged version (by turning this knob fully
clockwise) in order to emphasize the effec t. Note: The effect will st ill work i n Send m ode, but it will be less
< Tweak Knob and Button
The function of the Flanger ’s Tweak knob is det ermined by the state of the Tweak button:
» When the Tweak button i s off, the Flange r will be in M anual mode. The Tweak kn ob will then control the
delay time of the Flanger. When the knob is counterclockwise, t he Flange effec t will be very tight. As the
knob is turned clockw ise, the effect will become more dram atic and metallic in nature.
» If the Tweak button is on, the Flanger will be in Automatic mode. In this mode , the delay time for the Flanger
will be adjusted auto matically. The Tweak knob will then set the rate of the automatic adjustm ent—turning
the knob clockwise wil l increase the modulation rate.