

prefer enCeS
This se ction provides a compre hensive review of the Preferences for Torq. Open the
Preferences by clicking the Pre ferences icon.
An additional tab appears on the right side of the Preferences
window w hen certai n M-Audio products (such as the Xpone nt DJ
cont rolle r) are b eing u sed in conju nctio n wit h Torq. T his ta b cont ains
parameters relating specically to th e operation of the connec ted
M-Audio device. To learn more about the contents o f this additional
tab, refer to your new hardware’s User Guide .

Audio Tab

This tab houses options relat ing to the audio interface used with Torq. You’ll select t he
interface to use, set samp ling rates and buffer sizes, and assign the variou s inputs and
outputs. Torq supports AS IO and Direc tX protocols on Windows and Core Audio on
Mac OS X.
Note: Although Torq will work with a single stereo output audio interfa ce,
it is recommended that you use a multiple-ou tput audio interface. The extra
outputs allow you to make use of song cueing, i.e. pre-liste ning to a song on
headphones before you mix it.