Torq User Guide » Chapter 1 34Torq User Guide » Chapter 6 34
» Changing MIDI Assignment
If you assign a MIDI knob, for example, to the Low EQ in the Mixer, you can assign it to the Mid EQ by simply
right-clicking (CTRL-click on Mac) the Mid EQ k nob and moving the MIDI Knob. Doing so will clear the
assignment to the Low EQ knob an d the MIDI control will now be mapped to the Mid EQ kn ob. This allows
you to use a small controller for Torq since you can continually reassign its controls wit hout worrying about
what the previous assignmen ts were.
< Keyboard Learn
You can al so use your computer’s keyboard to control e lements of the Torq interface using the same method
as MIDI Learn above. S imply right-click (CTRL-click for M ac) on a control on screen, t hen press a key on your
keyboard. That key will then be assigned to the selected control. The same met hod for changing and clearing MIDI
assignments describ ed above also works for keyboard assignments.
< Assigning Buttons to Knobs or Sliders
If you so desire, you can a ssign a MIDI b utton/key or a key on your computer’s keyboard to a knob or slider in
Torq’s interface. When doing t his, pressing the MIDI but ton or key will cause the knob or slider’s value to toggle
between an assignable minimum and maximu m value. For example, assign the “X” key on your computer keyboard
to the Low EQ kno b. Turn up the EQ to +6 using the mouse, then press the “X ” key on your keyboard. The EQ
will jump to 0. Press “X” agai n, and the EQ will jump back up to +6.
< Assigning Knobs or Sliders to Buttons
Conversely, you could assign a MIDI knob or slider to one of Torq’s buttons . When doing this, the button will turn
on anytime the knob or slider is turned past its halfway point (outputting a MIDI value greater than 64). The button
will turn back off when t he knob or slider is moved lower than its halfway poi nt.