Torq User Guide » Chapter 1 70Torq User Guide » Chapter 13 70
As me ntioned above, turntables don’t respond instantly to changes in spee d or direction. When you pres s Stop on a
turntable, it t akes a moment for the turntable t o slow down and reach a complete stop. This is due the weight and
momentum of the turntable—two f actors that don’t exist in the virtual world o f Torq. Still, some DJs like the sound of a
turntable slowing down to a st op, and creating that sound is the purpose of Torq’s Brake effect .
Like the Reverse effect above, the Br ake effect does not actually stop the playb ack of the song on the Deck. Instead, it just
simulates the sound of the song slowing down while the song continues to play normally (as seen by the scrolling waveform).
Because the song keeps playing, you can use the Brake effect to create the “slow-to-s top” sound, then bring the music back
in on the next downbeat (which is im possible with real turntables or CD pl ayers).
< Enable Button
This button will be on at all ti mes—it cannot be turned off.
< Mix Knob and Routing Button
The Mix knob has no funct ion. The Brake effect is automatica lly congured as an Insert effect .
< Tweak Knob
This knob will set the Br ake time. As you turn this knob clockwise , the Brake time will become longer.
< Tweak Button
Press this b utton to e ngage the B rake effect. The music will slow to a stop. Press the button again to resume
normal playback.
This effect can be used to creat e the granular “hyper-re peats” heard in lots of today’s dance music. All you have to do is
trigger the effe ct and play with the loop length to get in stant results. Here’s how it works:
< Enable Button
Engaging this butt on will start the effect . The Repeat will remain active until this but ton is turned off again.
< Mix Knob and Routing Button
The Mix knob has no funct ion. The effect will automatically b e congured as an Insert effect when l oaded.
< Tweak Knob
This knob sets the size of the audio slice being repeated. A tooltip will appear showing the current slice length
whenever you move this knob. The repeat ed slices will always be quantized to the current t empo.
< Tweak Button
When you press this b utton, it will “re-se ed” the Repeat effec t. In other words, the effect will b egin repeating a
new section of audio whenever you press t he button, as if you’d turned the effect off and b ack on again.